GISD School Board Trustees Hear Academic Report


December 17, 2019

The Granbury ISD Board of Trustees heard a state accountability report during its regular monthly meeting on December 16, 2019.

Assistant superintendent Ron Holmgreen reviewed the 2018-19 Texas Academic Performance Report recently issued by the Texas Education Agency. The district and campus reports includes accountability data based on state standardized test scores, attendance and graduation rates, postsecondary readiness and outcomes, kindergarten readiness, demographic information, and financial data.  The data is available on the district website at

Holmgreen highlighted targeted improvement plans to improve academic and accountability ratings for both Nettie Baccus Elementary School and Granbury Middle School. The plans included addition staff interventionists, after-school tutorial programs, reading and math instructional initiatives, common assessment and benchmark testing to evaluate progress, and professional learning community meetings and other collaboration for teachers.

To provide additional teacher professional development time at both GMS and Acton Middle School, trustees approved an early release for students on Friday, January 31, 2020.  Principals and administration will evaluate implementation of the additional staff training to determine if an additional early dismissal day will also be utilized on Friday, March 27, 2020.

Director Randy Leach provided an overview of the Facilities and Maintenance Department, which manages 1.45 million square feet of buildings, 538.094 acres of grounds, and 13 game and practice athletic fields.  The department also is charged with safety and security, energy conservation, facility management and scheduling, and construction.  Utilities for the district in 2018-19 fiscal year total $1.675 million mostly in electric costs and small amounts for natural gas and water.

Recent projects include roof and flooring replacement at Oak Woods School, renovation of K-8 campus restrooms, Granbury High School band tower, GHS softball backstop, GHS field house locker replacement, Baccus pre-kindergarten playground, GHS choir risers, Pirate Pavilion weight room equipment, epoxy for GHS auto tech shop floor, and security camera expansion.

Future projects include: renovation of the old STARS building for a district daycare; marquees for Baccus, Brawner Intermediate School, and Pearl and Morgan Streets; renovation for office space at Acton Middle School; renovation of Baccus classrooms; exterior painting for Brawner; classroom renovation for pre-kindergarten academy at Roberson; new security checkpoint at GHS; replacement of the James Wann Sports Center roof, sound system, and weight room equipment; well water tank replacement; renovation of freshman and JV lockers in field house; installation of LED lights at Pirate Stadium; construction of sidewalk for GHS north parking lot; renovation of classrooms and exterior painting for Acton Elementary School; exterior painting for STEAM Academy at Mambrino; installation of tile in GMS band hall; installation of shade structures for elementary playgrounds; replacement of drinking fountains at K-8 campuses; floating dock project for AMS Outdoor Learning Center; automated HVAC controls for several elementary campuses; replacement of propane lawnmowers.

Trustees approved the annual financial audit report for the year ending August 31, 2019. Lindsey Kennimer, an accountant with Snow Garrett Williams CPA, delivered the unqualified opinion – the highest available – regarding the district’s financial condition to the trustees. A copy of the report is available on the school district’s website at

In personnel, trustees approved the appointment of new teachers at Granbury High School, Acton Middle School, and Granbury Middle School.  The board also received notification of one retirement and two resignations effective at the end of the semester.  Board members also reviewed goals and upcoming formative evaluation for the superintendent.

Other reports to the board included:

  • Human resources director Wes Jones reviewed teacher absences and reviewed some incentive options to help increase substitute fill rates.
  • An overview of the district gifted and talented program was reviewed by curriculum coordinator Becky Strain. The district is working to meet new state requirements through an action plan, comprehensive program guide, and curriculum.
  • Dobie Williams, assistant superintendent for finance and operations, presented financial statements and cash flow reports for November 2019.

The board also approved minutes from the last regular meeting and a special meeting and budget amendments.  Purchases were approved for guidance, evaluation, and testing materials.

Also approved was Policy Update 114 recommended by the Texas Association of School Boards, the 2020-21 course catalog for Granbury High School, and the 2020-21 district technology plan.

Donations reported to the board included: $5,000 from the Granbury ISD Education Foundation for the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra performances for multiple grade levels of students; $1,400 from the Lady Pirate Softball booster club for team travel; $1,500 from the Pirate Basketball booster club for team travel; $200 from the Touchdown Club for football team travel; $5,930 from the Lady Pirate Basketball booster club for team travel.

Trustees next convene for the regular monthly meeting on Monday, January 13, 2020. Board meetings are held in the GISD Board Room located in the Administration Building at 217 N. Jones Street.


Jeff Meador, Director of Communications

817.408.4006 Office