Come Rock For Brock


James Brock of Brocks in granbury has been diagnosed with lung cancer and is currently undergoing treatment at MD Anderson. He is starting chemotherapy and will need to travel weekly for treatment. To help James with the mounting expenses, a benefit concert is being held on December 3rd featuring a variety of local artists. Please save the date and come out to support James.

confirmed artist Tommy Alverson, Terry Rasor, Steve Helms, Ben McPherson, Chad Prather, Coby Wier, Doug Rose, Aaron Copeland, Rowdy Decker, Tyrell Choat, Garrett Glover, Andie Kay, Nate Kipp, Clete Bradley, Brock DeWald, Mike Graham, Garrett Glover,  Gary Millhollon, Gary P Nunn, Walt Wilkins, Dave Thomas, Jamie Richards, Bo Phillips.